Collier v. Citizens Property Insurance Corporation Broward County
Mr. Collier suffered exterior and interior damage to the property as a result of strong winds that damaged th roof that, in turn, allowed water to enter the home through the roofing system. Citizens fully denied Mr. Collier’s claim based solely on an inspection by a field adjuster whose license is limited top performing inspections on behalf of insurance companies. Mr. Collier was forced to file a lawsuit and during the subsequent litigation, Citizens attempted to prevent a jury trial by filing two Motions for Summary Judgment, both of which were denied by the Court. At trial, Mr. Collier was merely seeking $7,000 in damages for his interior damage, an amount that Citizens refused to pay. At trial, the Strems Law Firm was able to undermine Citizens’ argument that wind was not the cause of the opening to the roof allowing water to seep into the home. After a 3 day trial featuring competing expert opinions on both sides, the jury ultimately awarded more than Mr. Collier was seeking with a verdict totaling $10,000 to Mr. Collier.